• The Monthly Legal Quote

    “It is not appropriate to say: 'We are doing this our own way',” Louise Arbour, former justice of the Supreme Court of Canada

The last Miles

In recent months I have struck few keys for a purpose other than academic pursuits. I might thus be slightly rusted and otherwise scatterbrain and I feel I need to warn my readers at the outset. In less than a week, the eternal student will be no more and in three the world traveller will … Continue reading

A new Chapter Begin

We are at that period of the year when we are closing a chapter, ready to begin another, time to cross the “t”s and dot the “i”s. A time to reflect on ones achievements and experience while looking forward to the new chapter, the constant ticking of the clock is bringing it closer by the … Continue reading

A different breed; high achiever

Starting point I have recently heard from friends and family that I was not conforming to their expectation for me. The truth is that if I had conformed to their expectation I would not be where I am and who I am.  I was recently reading a blog post from a dear friend of mine … Continue reading

The Rule of Law!

For centuries the legal intelligentsia has tried to place a precise meaning to this brief statement. What could “the rule of Law” mean in an elected democracy? Should we see it as a strict construct or as a more volatile ideal. Whenever a government enact a law the judicial is called upon at the final … Continue reading

One last kick at the Can

I recently came to the realization that next year is going to be my last as a student (hopefully), thus it is my last occasions to be… Well what students are.  One more year to be young, adventurous and free! Free to be the real me, not yet a drone, no obligations or almost none. … Continue reading

Ultra Vires; Jurisdiction and American Assumption over Internet Supremacy

I recently came across the story of Richard O’Dwyer, a young man facing deportation to the United States of America for a crime which really isn’t one anywhere else than in the mind of corporate America, and became quite irate about the situation.  How can the actions of a student in Sheffield England have any … Continue reading

Welcome Home!

The question of how to call a short but fulfilling return to Ottawa has been eliciting in me a deeper exercise of self-examination.  Am I back home or simply visiting friends? For those who have since their earliest days settle down with one location as the domicile they hope to conserve for the rest of … Continue reading

Are you stressed?

It seems that the days of being a student simply affected by his own anxiety are long gone. I must admit that in those times of great academic stress I was able to keep my habitual and trademark composure slightly less than usual. I usually just plow ahead with little thought about the perils of … Continue reading

“Studying law, Making a responsible choice for my future”

Fiction and Reality John Grisham,  David E. Kelley and others, have used their own knowledge of the legal profession to create a powerful veneer of realism to legal fiction.  Any given night, it seems that at least one TV program featuring a lawyer as a main character is broadcasted.  I must admit, indulging in the … Continue reading

The fictions of successes and failures

Preface D-day – 49 today (2012-03-19). I am finally getting back to work. I subconsciously unplugged myself for a week an experiment in simply doing what I wanted and putting my concerns on the back-burner. Exam time is fast approaching in this new world of mine, the walls of my flat started to show the … Continue reading