One last kick at the Can

I recently came to the realization that next year is going to be my last as a student (hopefully), thus it is my last occasions to be… Well what students are.  One more year to be young, adventurous and free! Free to be the real me, not yet a drone, no obligations or almost none. Last time to make dreams reality, to explore and finalize who I am. Such an opportunity does not come without a certain sense of finality and the fear of missing out. So how to make the most out of that last hurray, how to make sure that no regrets show their ugly heads years down the road.

What is your history?

I have been a student just about 20 years now and since my graduation from High school I have frequented three institution of higher education. Those university and Campus were quite different from one another; from the small and cosy to the large urban sprawl; from the intimate seminar with a senior lecturer to the gigantic lecture given by a part-time professor; I have experienced a rather large range of experience in the “formal” role of a student. However, anyone who ever frequented such an institution can tell you that what you learn inside the classroom is only a small part of your education and the life of a student. From the most academic and professional study group to the totally eccentric speaking club, passing by the trill of a fraternity, a student experience is as unique as the individual is. Friends have been made and relationships have slowly disappeared overtime, the ebb and flow of life make the storyline advance with little direction but forward. Now some of those long-lost friends reconnect, they now have obligations, family, job ,mortgage, marriage… I have little to show for except diplomas and memories, it might be time to simply grow up and man up.

The last Hurray!?!

Before what happen next what should we do? I include the reader not as per them having intimate knowledge of the author of those lines but rather with the knowledge that everyone meet those life junctions when a long establish routine and life is transformed. So what is the proper way to take that step? I put of lot of time in pondering the issue and came to realize that the only way to do things correctly is not to plan the next move, things just happen anyway. I dare you to do what you really wanted to do in that moment. I am in my mid-twenties and just discovered world travel and adventure on my own and with friends. I have made acquaintance with people, ideas and place I had no idea existed until recently. But what about exploring opportunities missed, and maybe make good on some of those. This year I plan to really put all on the line, as exhausting and threatening as it can be it is the only way to not have regrets. A slam door, an injury and a broken relationship is sometime better than to ponder what could have been if you did not try.

Carpe Diem

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